PRIVACY POLICY is a website managed by VIGNOBLE COSMETICS SRL, C.F. / VAT number 12058190963, with a registered office in Milan, Via Filippo Turati 29. The processing of the users’ data will be carried out in Italy and conducted in compliance with the applicable European legislation (with the EU Regulation 2016/679 concerning the protection of data and their free circulation) and with the Legislative Decree of the 30 th June, 2003, n. 196, Code regarding the Protection of Personal Data (the “Privacy Code”).

This Privacy Policy shows the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data carried out by the Data Controller allowing a user to browse through the pages of the website (the “Site”), whether he decides to use the services and features offered or purchase the products displayed therein.

The Privacy Policy has been drawn up under Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted on 17 May 2001 by the data protection working party – Art. 29 concerning the minimum requirements for online data collection in the European Union and also represents information for interested parties according to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, as well as art. 13 and 14 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679.

The Privacy Policy shows the data controller’s identity, who controls and manages the data collected and processed through this Site, which information is collected and the purposes, the processing methods, the scope of communication of the data to third parties, the user’s data, the security measures adopted to protect and safeguard such data and the methods by which the user can verify the processing of their data and exercise the rights recognized by the Privacy Code.


Vignoble Cosmetics Srl, as Data Controller and Site Manager, undertakes to adhere to a principle of strict necessity in data processing that can identify the user, even indirectly. The Site is configured so that the use of data is reduced to the minimum necessary and to exclude processing when the purposes pursued in individual cases can be achieved through the use of anonymous data or through other methods, allowing the data subject to be identified only in case of need or at the request of the public authority or police forces.


Vignoble Cosmetics Srl. is the Data Controller of the users’ data of the website for managing, concluding, and executing commercial transactions concerning the purchase of products through the same website.

Any additional purposes for which data is required and processed are shown in the related information text available on the page where the provision is requested.

The Data Controller decides the purposes, the methods of data processing, and the tools to be used concerning the security measures.

External data processors will be appointed for purposes strictly connected and related to the provision of services on the Site, including the sale of the products.

In any case, the Data Processors are chosen as they demonstrate having the requisites of ability, experience, and reliability and can provide an appropriate guarantee of full compliance with provisions concerning the data processing, including the security profile of the data. They process the user’s data according to the specific instructions given by the Data Controller.

To have a complete list of the Data Processors, also to exercise the rights referred to in Articles 7 Privacy Code and 15 EU Reg. 2016/679, you can send an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

To fulfill the above purposes and to allow the purchase of products on the Site, the Data Controller collects Data (personal data, e-mail address, postal address, credit card, bank details, and phone number) using the appropriate form on the Site.

The data collected is mainly processed with automated, IT and telematic tools and, in some cases, also in paper format ( when it is necessary to prevent fraud on the Site), according to logic and procedures strictly related to the purposes of the treatment.

The data can also be processed by manual means. In any case, it is kept only for the time strictly functional to achieve the specific purpose pursued and in compliance with the current legislation for the protection of personal data, including the security profile and confidentiality obligations.

Personal Data is processed in compliance with current security provisions to minimize the risks of their destruction and loss, even accidental, unauthorized access and processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purpose, illicit or incorrect use of the data, with particular but not exclusive reference to Annex B to the Privacy Code (Technical Regulations regarding minimum security measures). In addition, the information systems and computer programs are configured in such a way as to minimize the use of personal and identification data, used only when necessary for the specific processing purpose pursued from time to time.

Data is stored in a form that allows the user identification for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is collected and processed and, in any case, in compliance with the provisions of applicable law. To ensure that Personal Data is always accurate, updated, complete, and relevant, we ask the interested parties to report any changes made to the following e-mail address:

Personal Data may be provided voluntarily by the user when interacting and browsing the Site or requesting its services.

The free and optional consent of the user allows the Data Controller to process data to define individual or group profiles (profiling) or for marketing purposes ( i.e. to send the user, information and updates on products, offers, and other events and initiatives related to the Site) via newsletter, mail electronic (e-mail), SMS, MMS.

The user can object to the processing of his data for sending the promotional information by e-mail; in each communication received specific section specifying the methods to oppose the processing and stop receiving promotional materials and information is available.

In any case, users’ data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not authorized by law or without their express consent.

Personal data may also be made available to third parties, such as data processors, for ancillary purposes and related to the provision of the services requested by the user (transactions relating to purchases or product shipments). For details, see paragraph 4.

Users’ data may be disclosed to the police or judicial authorities, where required, following current legislation.

Data should not be transferred abroad to countries outside the European Union that do not ensure adequate levels of protection for individuals. If necessary to achieve the Data Controller’s purposes, we guarantee that the transfer of data to countries outside the European Union will be carried out only after the conclusion of specific contracts containing adequate safeguard clauses for the protection of the user’s data, following the law and applicable regulations.


The personal data collected will be stored and processed by our Data Processors through an electronic system managed by Weblink srl, and through the use of servers located at, Via Ortles 1 – Milan.


The Data Controller communicates the user’s data within the limits and as specified in this Privacy Policy and in any additional information published when provided by the user, in any case in full compliance with the consent expressed by this latter, when requested, following the provisions of current privacy legislation.

The data will be accessible to our internal and external staff in charge of the processing and may also be communicated and made available to third companies that perform, on behalf of Vignoble Cosmetics Srl, specific services as external data processors or communicated to other subjects and third parties who process the data independently, solely to execute the contract for the purchase of products on the Site and provided that this purpose is not incompatible with those for which the data was collected and processed by the Data Controller and, in any case, in compliance with the relevant legal provisions in force.

Upon request, the complete and updated list of the data processors and the subjects to whom the data is communicated is available at the following e-mail address:

The data will not be disclosed, sold, or otherwise transferred to other third parties without the users having been informed in advance and with their consent when required by law.


The provision of personal data by the user is necessary for the achievement of the purposes described above and for the provisions of services and features requested by the user. Data could be necessary to fulfill obligations deriving from laws or regulations.

Failure to provide necessary data, shown on the Site with the character (*), could make it impossible to execute the product purchase contract or to fulfill legal and regulatory obligations. Failure to provide such data may therefore constitute, depending on the case, a legitimate and justified reason for not executing the contract for the products purchase on the Site or the provision of its services.

The provision of data by the user for profiling and marketing purposes is free and optional; any failure to provide personal data by the user for profiling and marketing purposes will therefore have no consequence.


The Data Controller adopts suitable security measures to minimize the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, unauthorized access, or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Concerning the control and management of Vignoble Cosmetics Srl., we invite the user to make sure that their computer is equipped with software devices suitable for the protection of data transmission over the network, both incoming and outgoing (such as antivirus systems updated) and that their Internet service provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of data transmission over the network (such as firewalls and spam filters).


The user has the right, at any time, to exercise the rights recognized by art. 7 of the Privacy Code and art. 15 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679.

The user has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.

The user has the right to obtain information about the origin of their data, the purpose and method of treatment, the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic tools, and the identification details of the Data Controller and the Data Processors, the indication of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as. This information is partly already available on this Privacy Policy; to find out more, please send an e-mail to the e-mail address:

The user always has the right to obtain:

– updating, rectification, or integration of personal data;
– the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data that may be processed in violation of the law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
– the attestation that the operations referred to in the previous points have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

However, the User has the right to object in whole or in part:

– to their data processing, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection, for legitimate reasons;

– to their data processing to send advertising or direct marketing material or carry out market research or commercial communication.

Vignoble Cosmetics Srl informs that the user may, freely and at any time, exercise their rights, as long as within the limits of the law, with a specific request addressed to the e-mail address:, which will be given appropriate feedback.


The Site contains hyperlinks (the “links”) to other third-party websites and provides links to other websites solely to facilitate its users in searching and browsing and to facilitate hypertext links on the Internet to other websites. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or report by the Manager for accessing and browsing these websites, nor any guarantee regarding their contents, services, or goods supplied by them and sold to Internet users.

The Data Controller and Site Manager do not control or carry out verification or monitoring operations on third-party websites whose link is on the site.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to such sites; Vignoble Cosmetics Srl as Data Controller or Site Manager cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them, even concerning privacy and the processing of Data during browsing operations.

Please pay attention when connecting to these websites through the links on, and carefully read their terms of use and privacy regulations.


Any user wishing to receive more information on how Vignoble Cosmetics Srl, as Data Controller, processes their data can send an e-mail to the following e-mail address:

Please visit the website, and find out about your rights, and be always updated on the legislation on the protection of personal data.


This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and the Personal Data Protection Code (Privacy Code – Legislative Decree 196/2003) concerning the data processing- also held abroad – carried out by anyone who resides or has a registered office in Italy or through instruments located in Italy. It complies with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 about the protection of individuals, the processing of personal data, and their free circulation.

Current legislation ensures that data processing is carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity, and the right to protection of personal data.



The Data Controller may modify or update, in whole or in part, this Privacy Policy also in view of the modification of the laws or regulations that govern this matter and protect the rights of users. Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy will be notified to users via the Website Homepage, as soon as they are adopted, and will become binding as soon as they are published in this section.

We, therefore, ask Users to regularly access this section of the site to check the publication of a more recent and updated version of the Privacy Policy.

When required by applicable law, the Data Controller will obtain the user’s consent to the changes made.

This Privacy Policy is effective from 10 March 2017.

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