The origin of Vigneul
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The name Vigneul comes from the love for a territory, the Monferrato, and tells of its most remote and natural essence.
Vigneul means vine in the ancient Romance language from which the Piedmontese dialect derives and refers to that part of the vine that allows the plant to cling to the rows to generate the very precious fruit: grapes.
!!!!!!I nostri trattamenti di bellezza, oltre a custodire le proprietà dell’uva, vogliono raccontarne e sottolinearne l’origine: i viticci, i tralci e i semi, i componenti più ricchi dei princípi nutritivi che rendono le nostre creme un vero elisir antiaging, idratante e illuminante per le molteplici tipologie di pelle.
The name Vigneul expresses our company mission: to produce creams that preserve the naturalness of the raw material used, both in the transformation and packaging processes, to guarantee the health of our customers.